Photogenic Drawing
A weekend workshop with Michael and Marilyn Wilson
Support for this FotoFocus Biennial 2016 workshop was provided by

October 29-30
Saturday 10am-5pm
Sunday 10am-2pm
PUBLIC RECEPTION: Sunday, October 30th 3-4pm*
Tuition includes cyanotype chemistry and a digital negative
Class Size:
Minimum: 8 / Maximum: 16
Description: In this workshop we will travel back to the origins of photography, to produce cyanotypes that combine photographic representation with the drawing process. Photogenic Drawing was the term used by William Henry Fox Talbot in 1839 to describe his recently invented positive-negative process. Shortly thereafter, the English scientist and astronomer Sir John Herschel discovered the cyanotype process in 1842. Also called ‘blueprints’ this process has the ability to reproduce drawings in a cyan-blue hue. Using photographic and drawing techniques we will produce drawing/photo hybrids in the final prints.
In this workshop, participants will learn:
- Cyanotype process: history, chemistry, and UV printing procedures
- Basic introduction to creating negatives from digital files for use with alternative photographic processes
- Photograms
- Drawing techniques to augment photographic images
* A small public reception will be held at the end of the workshop. Prints made over the weekend will be on display for the pubic to see.
Materials List:
8" x 10” Watercolor Paper
Drawing Mediums, such as graphite pencils or waterproof pens
Digital Files (2-3): either
photographs or photographs of drawings (Instructions for upload will be distributed upon registration)
Level of Study: All levels of experience are welcome.
LOCATION: All courses are hosted at Manifest's Drawing Center Studios in Madisonville at 4905 Whetsel Avenue (second floor) (see map and direction links below). Manifest's studio facility provides two classrooms totalling nearly 4000 square-feet. The
studios are outfitted with professional equipment, furniture, a photographic darkroom and processing room, and study aids.
Drawing horses and easels as well as storage shelf space are available on a first-come first served basis. Supplementary seating, including chairs, stools, and cushions is also available. Course participants should provide for their own supplies and drawing board.
Map to Manifest's M1 Studios | Studio Calendar | Darkroom Calendar

About the instructors:
Michael Wilson is a photographer with a preference for working in the analog, film-based tradition. In addition to his personal work, he is a freelance photographer specializing in portraiture.
Marilyn Wilson uses charcoal, paint, textiles, and found objects in her 2 and 3-D works. Follow her on Instagram.
Marilyn and Michael live in Cincinnati and have three grown children.