creative research gallery and drawing center
a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization


manifest exhibition annual
season 16


The Season 16 Manifest Exhibition Annual

In season 16 Manifest continued to chart a course into its second decade as The Neighborhood Gallery for the World.

This was our sixth full season with expanded gallery spaces—an intimate yet museum-like sequence of five rooms of varying shapes, sizes, and personalities. Having the ability to confidently plan for 45 galleries of art across the year (nine exhibit periods times five spaces programmed for each period) once again enabled our staff to make the most of the rich options provided by our exhibit concepts and so many participating artists from around the world.

For each of our Exhibition Annuals it is important for us to explain to the reader that every exhibition at Manifest is put through a rigorous blind jury process—one which prioritizes quality over taste or style, and which by virtue of many jurors volunteering their time from across the country achieves a neutralization of any singular curatorial bias or juror prejudice. The works contained in this book, though inevitably determined in part by the artists who chose to participate and the works they offered for consideration, is also a culmination of this process of extreme selectivity. The 528 works represented here were chosen from among roughly 10,491 submitted across the year. With the obvious exception of our regional projects, and those which are restricted to student work (Rites of Passage and Master Pieces) our exhibitions are open to all artists anywhere in the world. In the exhibits documented in this book 327 artists from 43 states and 8 countries are represented.

Season 16 saw the production of 35 separate exhibitions. Among them are included the 4th Painted Biennial and Aquachrome Biennial (wet media), our annual Regional Showcase featuring works from artists in our three-state region of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, and 9 solo exhibitions, rounding out Manifest’s customary balance between solo shows, annual projects, and unique thematic group shows. It is also worth noting that this book includes works by student artists representing 21 different academic institutions. Their inclusion emphasizes Manifest’s ongoing connection and commitment to our founding in 2004, when students and their teachers came together to establish a Switzerland-like organization—a nexus where their common ground of higher pursuit in the visual arts could be examined outside the confines of their own academic programs on common ground.

When Manifest reached its tenth year of exhibition programming we realized it was important to mark our new maturity with a declarative statement, so the decision was made to move from printing small softcover exhibit catalogs to producing the substantial and monolithic Manifest Exhibition Annual. We believe this has proven to be a much more engaging way for the public and participating artists to experience this documentation as an archive. It will also be more meaningful into the future for the artists whose work is included by cementing their place alongside that of their peers in the history of our programming, and the history of art in the world at this particular point in time.

It is my strong belief as an educator, artist, curator of exhibits, and founding director of Manifest that it is very important to distinguish between what it means to have a sense of taste (one’s personal preferences), and having a sense for quality (what one knows, objectively, to be ‘good’). The former is informed by personal experiences, biases, notions, cultural programming, and sentiment—usually for oneself as an individual. The latter is guided by detachment, study, comparison, craftsmanship, context, and understanding of principles. Those who are in a position to judge (jury) a body of work, and to plan an exhibition, serve in the role of arbiter of quality in order to present a collective whole which ends up not only greater than the sum of its parts, but also a rich opportunity for members of the public to practice their own individual sense of taste within an overall context of quality. That is what we work so hard to do here at Manifest. It is my sincere hope that this book once again serves as evidence of our success.

The pages that follow contain every work presented in Manifest’s galleries during our sixteenth season, from September 2019–September 2020. Each chapter represents an exhibition period of four weeks, divided into sections representing specific exhibits on view during that period. Each section is prefaced with the text that was included as part of the exhibition.

This publication is offered in honor of the quality achieved by each and every artist who participated, and everyone who supported the Manifest organization during our 16th season.

Jason Franz, Executive Director
Cincinnati, Ohio

View the season lineup here.

Featuring Works by these Season 16 Exhibiting Artists

Katie Adams
Mark Adkins
Erik Akerman
James Allen
Sutton Allen
Philis Alvic
Helmut Amann
Erick Anderson
Kim Anderson
Rob Anderson
Marc Andreo
Andrew Arkell
Cameran Ashraf
Andrew Au
Camilla Augustinus
Cecile Baird
Jane Barrow
Andreas Baumgartner
Margot Becker
Tamie Beldue
Amy Bennion
Francesco Beretta
Pirjo Berg
Edward Bernstein
John Berry
Siara Berry
Heather Lee Birdsong
Jordan Black
Beth Blake
Nicolette Bonagura
Kelly Borsheim
Blake Brasher
Bob Bruch
Tyler Brumfield
Susan Bryant
Andy Bullard
Jonathan Christensen Caballero
Carrie Callihan
Shannon Cannings
Gregory Carr
Patty Carroll
Caitlin Cheek
Stefan Chinov
Brian Christensen
Malcolm Christhilf
Jeanne Ciravolo
Susan Cohen
Anita Cooke
Dionisio Cortes
Lauren Levato Coyne
Jacob Crook
Cara Crowley
Gala Cude-Pacheco
Nicole Cudzilo
Susan Czechowski
Daniel Dallmann
Craig Davidson
Rima Day
Michael DeLuca
Matthew Dercole
Michael Diaz
Jan Dickey
Brooks Dierdorff
David Dorsey
Kevin Dotson
Meris Drew
Ryan Durrant
Vincent Edwards
Steven Elbert
Nathan Ely
Shou Jie Eng
Donovan Entrekin
Firat Erdim
Drew Etienne
Charles Evans
Krista Fay
Jason Ferguson
Linda King Ferguson
Richard Ferncase
John Ferry
Todd Fife
Kim Flora
Grace Flott

Chris Flynn
Frederick Fochtman
Shannon Fody
Kate Forer
Catherine Forster
Felicia Forte
Hannah K Freeman
Tracy Frein
Ciara Froning
Howard Fullmer
Laurel Fulton
Donald Furst
Nathaniel L. Gaefcke
Donna Garcia
Alexandra Gataeva
Caroline Gerberick
Jason Lee Gimbel
Aspen Golann
Ethan Goldberg
Pauline Goldsmith
Janet Gorzegno
Jonathan Virginia Green
Kendall Greene
Jenn Gulgren
Melissa Gwyn
Maria Haag
Elana Hagler
Maki Hajikano
Kenneth Hall
Megan Hanley
Kevin Haran
Mike Harrison
Heather Hartman
Caroline Hatfield
Kate Hawes
Hiroshi Hayakawa
Eric Heffington
Julie Herman
Nick Hewlett
Jeffrey Heyne
Karen Hillier
Nataliya Hines
Hassakorn Hirunsirichoke
Nick Hobbs
Susan Hoffer
Heidi Hogden
Joseph Holsapple
Jess Holz
Devan Horton
Ryan Howerton
Michael Hubbard
Katie Hudnall
Brooke Hunter
Nick Hutchings
Joshua Huyser
Laura James
Stuart Janssen
Sarah Jantzi
Josh Johnson
Lynne Miller Jones
Joseph Kameen
Charles Kanwischer
Marina Kassianidou
Donald Keefe
Tatana Kellner
Tim Kennedy
Sherry Kerlin
Kristina Key
Clive King
Sam King
Laurie Klein
Dale Knaak
Ruth Koelewyn
Liz Koerner
Rob Kolomyski
Jordan Kornreich
Robert Koss
Kent Krugh
Bryce Lafferty
Alexander Lee
John Lee
Kellie Lehr
Katia Lifshin
Anne Lindberg

William Linthicum
Junyi Liu
Robert Long
Michael Lorsung
David Lozano
Theresa Lucey
Sean Lyman
Ellen Starr Lyon
Perin Mahler
Daniel Maidman
Mara Manning
Rose Mansel-Pleydell
Seth Marosok
Andrew Martin
Cece Martin
Jan Martin
Pamela Martinez
Terry Mason
KD Matheson
Hannah Mathis
Michael McCaffrey
Irene Delka McCray
Kelly McKaig
Karen Hunter McLaughlin
Bobbi Meier
Steven Meier
Colleen Merrill
Maddie Miller
Kristen Mitchell
Damon Mohl
Clive Moloney
Benjamin Montague
Jerry Monteith
Ally Morgan
Zach Mory
Joe Morzuch
Armin Mühsam
Andrew Mullally
Dale Marie Muller
Elsa Munoz
Kel Mur
Chris Myhr
Mihee Nahm
Mary Nees
Reuben Negrón
Martina Nehrling
Michael Nichols
Shaun M. Niles
Laura Noel
Melissa Nunez
Steve Nyktas
Isoko Onodera
Deborah Orloff
Steve Paddack
Anna Pamasa
Steen Pedersen
Holly Pennington
Justin Penov
James Perrin
Elena Peteva
Sarah Petruziello
Bethany Pipkin
Sarah Posey
Mason Pott
Dana Potter
Gabriel Poucher
Ron Prigat
Robert Pulley
Ross Quesnell
Erin Raedeke
Chris Ramsey
Shannon Rankin
Sharon Reeber
Billy Renkl
Alberto Repetti
Lisa Rickard
Carly Riegger
Bruce Riley
Whitney River
Matt Roberts
Samantha Robinson
Neal Rock
Deborah Rockman
Robert Samartino
Dana Saulnier
Buket Savci
Erin Schaefer
Patricia Schappler
Amy Schissel
Gary Schmitt
Molly Schoenhoff
Kitty Schroeder
Snail Scott
Shelby Shadwell
Kate Shannon
Alix Anne Shaw
Bill Sieber
Mack Sikora
Pamela Simard
Christopher Smith
Madeline Rile Smith
Marissa Smith
Yvette Kaiser Smith
Saritdikhun Somasa
Robert Spahr
Carolyn Spears
Sharon Stafford
Rachelle Steele
Kelsey Stephenson
Carol Stewart
Heather Stivison
Grant Stoops
Julio Suarez
Jessica Summers
Vianna Szabo
Felicia Szorad
Jonathan Tang
Gilles Tarabiscuité
Kathleen Taylor
Jessica Teckemeyer
Tore Terrasi
Margery Thomas-Mueller
Jody Travis Thompson
Kathleen Thum
Carla Timoc
Sam Toland
Travis Townsend
Timothy Tracz
Grant Trimble
Lance Turner
Amber Tyler-Elliott
Laura Vahlberg
Mark Van Buskirk
Jesse Vasquez
Biff Vigil
Jovan Karlo Villalba
Jessica Mia Vito
Duat Vu
Karey Walter
Brandon Wang
Victor Wang
Xuanyi Wang
Jesse Warne
John Warren
Barbara Weidell
Gina Westergard
Margaret Whiting
Cody Williams
Jennifer Wilson
Stephen Winiecki
Lance Winn
Mark Wittig
Dennis Wojtkiewicz
Christopher Woodman
Anderson Wrangle
Stephen Wright
Mikey Yates
Dana Younger
Fulvia Zambon
Manuel Zamudio
Dganit Zauberman
Isabel Zeng
Kiana Ziegler
Ryan Zimmerman


SEASON 16 - Exhibitions at Manifest Gallery
344 pages, 35 exhibits, 528 works of art, 327 Artists from 43 states and 8 countries:



MEA s16 shipping by mid-2025!

344 pages full-color,
13" x 10",
hardcover casebound (symth sewn binding, premium laminated full-color printed cover; full color dust jacket.)

100 (discounted for pre-orders)
(all proceeds support Manifest's future programming)

about the MEA 16

35 exhibits
(See exhibit listing here.)

528 works of art

327 Artists from 43 states and 8 countries including: Canada, Denmark, England, Germany, Israel, Italy, Thailand, and the United States

21 academic institutions represented by student work, including:

Ashland University
Bowling Green State University
California College of the Arts
Gonzaga University
Indiana University
Laguna College of Art and Design
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Murray State University
Savannah College of Art and Design
Southern Illinois University–Carbondale
Texas A&M University
The North Bennet Street School
University of Alabama
University of Arkansas
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado
University of Connecticut
University of Massachusetts–Dartmouth
University of North Texas
University of Tennessee–Knoxville
University of Wisconsin–Madison


Through nine seasons Manifest Press produced 74 full-color catalogs documenting the works selected for every exhibit presented in our galleries. Starting with season 10 (fall of 2013) we shifted to the design of one much larger high quality hard-cover publication retrospectively documenting each entire season of exhibits, artists, and works shown.

The Manifest Exhibition Annual continues Manifest's commitment to long-term documentation and dissemination of our projects, and the expansion of physical exhibits into a broader geography and time frame, while also bringing all exhibits together under one cover each year to create a better product which will be more valuable to the public, teachers, libraries, and exhibiting artists. The book is much larger in size than our already robust INDA, INPA, and INPHA media-specific survey publications, and is designed, printed, and distributed with the same quality and attention to detail.

This commitment represented a dramatic undertaking for our small nonprofit staff. We have faced many unexpected challenges and positive changes since establishing the plan for the MEA. Once production of the retrospective books is up to speed each publication will be designed and printed within the first half of the following season, and expected to ship by the following summer. (Manifest's exhibit season runs September to September each year.

Visit Manifest Press to see past catalogs (the legacy format) and our award-winning INDA, INPA, and INPHA books.

The MEA is an optional free member's benefit option when you become a supporting member at the PHILOSOPHER level (or above) here.

Academic pricing for Manifest Press publications is available for students, professors, and institutions.

Email us here for more information.



Copyright © Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center - Manifest Press